Hi. I build complex things in a simple manner. With bits and bytes, with wood.

I log the things that have interested me, hopefully someone will find some of what I've learned useful in their own endevors. I tend to make mistakes and adjust just as any student of design thinking does. Those mistakes are really the important things. Most of the tech articles here are written for the startup founder. I also will record acomplishments in other hobbies as well.

Primary Key UUIDs Finally Make Sense with v7

Relational databases have been using sequences as primary keys since dBASE and FoxPro. As our databases have become exceedingly large, and stored in multiple locations across many parts of clusters the sequential keys have become problematic.

5 min read

Passwords Suck - Why do we still use them?

The idea of a secret combination of alpha-numeric characters to act as a lock is much older than the digital world. The first examples date back to Mesopotamia

12 min read

Destiny's Dad, Zavala

Over the years Zavala went from the grumpy old guy that was not Shaxx to every guardian's dad. His character arc from the original Destiny until today, at the start of the end, is one all too familiar for GenX and Millennials.

3 min read

Startups Build or Use — Design Systems

When choosing a toolkit for a tech startup efficient use of resources is paramount, being flexible is not a choice. A design system allows designers and engineers speak the same language.

7 min read